Round up 8

Sweet notebooks

Manon does lovely clothes, as well as installations and costumes. She writes:
The origins of my work can be traced back to my last year of study at France’s Duperré School of Applied Arts when I carried out a photographic study of the clothes worn by workers in the early 20th century and explored the "traces of wear and tear" on clothes.
ah! The clothes are beautiful, but I'm not in love with the fabric dolls. Although she's totally converted me to loving the dressed objects. Also, she was a research assistant for Elisabeth De Senneville!

• Great article about a Duchamp piece from Cabinet Magazine

• Another interesting article regarding China, this one regarding "luxury"

• Found this site from a post about shoes, but stayed for the great scans of vintage magazines! edited to add: after looking around, some scans have crazy moiré problems, FYI.

Design Boom writes about Monica Bonvicini's winning scultpure commission in oslo
It is meant to be a monument about change, longing and hope, the beauty of the un-done as a permanent state of change

• Emily Davidow writes about Christian Nold's maps. My favorite is the Stockport Emotion map. She also mentions the We Feel Fine project I've listed before.

What color should he paint his bathroom?

From Boing Boing

• I want one!

• This article says 48% of people believe in ESP!

• Free, old, anatomical atlas images for download