
A perfect ending to my thesis posts, I think, a link to a new profile of my work in Coroflot Magazine. You'll have to click the download button on the lower right of this page to access Issue Two, I'm afraid. Coroflot is a great job search site that has grown from a tiny ID group to expand across all design areas in the last few years. The magazine is supposed to be bi-monthly but this is only the second issue....I hope it takes off, it's a lovely idea. And the art director Andrea Paustenbaugh seems capable of great work.
Two other artists I loved in this issue with me are Mihoko Ouchi and Wouter Widdershoven, both industrial designers, Ouchi in NYC and Widdershoven in Eindhoven, NL.

Ouchi's Knit Lamp

Widdershoven's Daniël table
Actually, I do have a few thoughts about posting my thesis. I'll post those tomorrow and then I will move on to others' work!