link round up 2

• B612 Magazine: New magazine from Amsterdam on my list to order the premier issue....looks interesting
• MissBehave magazine: Actually not sure this is a magazine for me, but I don't think I can resist a magazine run by a girl who subscribed to the Weekly World News!
• Emily Davidow: New on my RSS feed....
• Fantasy & Clothes Go Together: "Personally, I have to admit that I almost exclusively buy clothing that is non function for my regular life to the point of absurdity." Me too!
• I receive the Draper's Newsletter (I can only link to their blog of similar content), and in the July 31st issue they had a great reprint of an article about menswear from 1902, an excerpt:
What is worn? For the most part, grey. A great quietude seems to have overtaken fashionable London

• Evil Knievel talking about re-enactments.....oh man, I WISH I could go to this!