Round up 4

• A bunch of posts on Coutorture about value, luxury, and "it" items. And one fun one about how lipsticks are made!

• Susie Bubble reminds me how much I love quilting

• What is visual clutter? [via]

Mrs. Dean links to an article about Out of body experiences and also about Jan Adriaans, and artist interested in space and materials.

• tee hee, PSFK writes about How Trends Don't Matter in France (or do they?)....

• My favorite blog Things posts a link to photographer Nicholas Whitman, who writes an entry about photography and time.

The gesture blog! [via]

• Now for my most commercial links: We Are the Market writes about the Vogue Retail Shop and a T-shirt contest for Uniqlo

Régine conducts an interview with Jessica Findley, a multidisciplinary artist and designer (the best kind!) from Brooklyn.